Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Contagious - Why Things Catch On - Review

Contagious: Why Things Catch On

6 hours and 54 minutes

"Why do some products get more word of mouth than others? Why does some online content go viral? Word of mouth makes products, ideas, and behaviors catch on. It's more influential than advertising and far more effective...

Contagious is filled with fascinating information drawn from Berger's research. You will be surprised to learn, for example, just how little word of mouth is generated online versus elsewhere. Already praised by Dan Ariely and Dan Gilbert, and sold in nine countries, this book is a must-listen for people who want their projects and ideas to succeed " (Amazon.com).

My thoughts: 
This book has great real world examples to support what its teachings. Which is something I was looking for more of with the #AskGaryVee Book.

What you learn about:

Word of mouth is the most important part to the success of a business
"Only 7% of word of mouth happens online"
"When we care, we share" / "Caring Is Sharing"
We often send people things if we know it can help them or think they will find it useful
Diminishing Sensitivity: people are willing to go out of their way to save money if they are buying a low ticket item and are less willing to do so when buying a large ticket item.
ex. saving $10 on a $30 item you would drive to the next town over, but would do that for a $1000 TV

Rule of 100 - If the cost of an item is >$100 advertise with $$ savings and if its <$100 advertise with % savings

People love seeing that things are on sale
Ex. Someone is more likely to buy a vacume at $150 showing a 50% mark down from $300, then they are the same vacume at $140 showing a 10% mark down.

Social Currency: 
Doing things because you think it makes you look good
  • Sending messages "sent from IPhone"
  • Purchasing a particular brand of Car
  • Buying a Live Strong band

School Case study around eating healthy
  • One group of college kids are exposed to advertisements that say  'Grab a Tray and eat 5 vegetables a day'
  • Another group of college kids is exposed to an advertisement that says 'Live longer, eat your vegetables'
  • The word association with word 'tray' helped college kids remember the advertisement at the point they get their food.
Poor Triggers make people aware of a product at a time they are not in a position to do anything about it
  • Seeing a advertisement about the importance of floor mats (To provent in the shower when you aren't in a position to buy.
Destroying the brand of another company by triggering a message on top of their existing message
  • Marlboro cigarettes use cowboys as the spokes person for its brand
  • Public health launches ad with a cowboy telling another cowboy they have cancer

Kit Kat revitalized its brand by selling itself as "Coffee's best friend"

Case study on why certain Wall Street Journal Articles are shared more then others
  • We are more likely to share things when we are awe inspired of something.
  • Additionally, there are examples of when we are mad or very happy with something

Case study on how people imitate one another's
  • MBA students are asked what they want to do with their career, before and after they start School.
    • Answers by the end all start to gravitate toward investment banking and consulting
  • People go to the hotdog stand that has the line with the thought process that they have better hotdogs, without knowing.
  • White headphones on an iPod Case study

Practical Value:
Information people can use
  • Sharing articles on healthy living, or a deal on a product.
  • People getting value from a product and sharing that information with friends.
    • DIY YouTube Videos

Information that travels through chatter and the Trojan Horse of conversation.
  • People telling you the benefits of a product don't come across like they would from a company.

Overall: I really liked hearing about studies and the examples of how brands use these above elements to create viral content. Two thumbs up!


  1. i'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on "IceBucketChallenge" and "Gangnam Style"

  2. This book seems really interesting. I'd be curious at how much this book is too
